Doubled D0 conversions at Fello
Revamping new users onboarding
Fello is a P2P investment platform, which gamifies the investing experience for users and makes it fun and rewarding. Launched new user onboarding journey, reducing user flow from 5 to 3 steps. achieving 2X Jump in D0 conversion.
Problem: At Fello retaining our users was the biggest problem we faced, we used to spent a lot on performance marketing and still our retention rate was not at par with the industry, after doing a lot of user interviews and analyzing data I was able to conclude that our onboarding journey currently is not optimized to lead users directly to invest causing user to either get confused or lose the motivation which caused them to download the app.
Being the sole product manager in the team, I lead the whole project from design, development to analyzing the results after launching the updated journey. We reduced the onboarding journey to 3 steps from 5 and gave users the option to invest right upfront. The results were incredible, we doubled our D0 conversions of users who invested.